Fan Comments
Mr. Music Box Man
“I have just finished your book – “My Travels with Morley” and you are for sure to be commended on an excellent work indeed. It takes character and integrity in one’s self to recognize those traits in others as you did with Mr. Morley. … The accounts of you and your friends on successful voyages were refreshing”.
– Dan
“I was pleasantly surprised to find your web site. … I wanted to thank you for inspiring me to learn how to play piano… that is to “start” learning. I hope one day to be able to play your song (Music Box Dancer). It’s been a favorite of mine since it was released long ago”.
– Larry
Washington DC
“I just wanted to drop you a quick e-mail to thank you for your music, mostly for the song that brings up memories of my childhood – “Love Me, Love Me, Love” – great song.”
– Keith
“How thrilled we were to learn that you had agreed to do some performing again as a guest on Rita MacNeil’s 2010 Christmas Tour. My husband and I were in the front row for your concert in Regina. What an incredible way to get into the Christmas Spirit. Thank you Mr. Mills – we hope that you will continue to “come out of retirement” every once in a while”.
– Albert & Monica
Regina SK
“I was 15 years old when your song [Music Box Dancer] was a hit. I’ve always loved the song. For some reason unknown to me, it makes me emotional when I hear it, even to this day. … It’s one of those songs that can make me instantly happy whenever I hear it”. … Thanks for sharing “Music Box Dancer” with the world. I absolutely love it!”
– Stephen
South Carolina
“I Love your music! I can sit and listen to the same song over and over and then move on to the next. I have always enjoyed “Music Box Dancer” – no surprise there, but I especially enjoy “Peter Piper”.
– Sandy
“I love music. ALL music. I have to tell you, “Music Box Dancer” is my absolute favorite piece of music ever! It is PERFECT. I suffer from depression and when I am at my worst I listen to that and inevitably smile!”
– Warmly, Barb
“I’ve always loved your music and am glad to have the opportunity to say so after finding your web site and Facebook page. I have owned as many of your albums as I could get my hands on! I have a love of the music I knew growing up, and you were part of that. I do enjoy your music so much!”
– Dave
“What a thrill is was for my wife and I to attend your recent Christmas Concert [2010] with Rita MacNeil in Kelowna. It was indeed a wonderful show. How lucky it was that Ms. MacNeil convinced you to come out of retirement to do those shows with her. If there is another we’ll certainly be there”.
– Bob & Marilyn
“I wanted to take a moment to thank you with all my heart for the joy and pleasure that your music brought into the life of my late mother. … She discovered your work in the 1970’s and your music became one of her favorites. … “The Happy Song” and “Music Box Dancer” brought her continued joy as she fought against Alzheimer’s disease for almost 20 years. Even after she had lost her ability to speak, your music brought a smile to her face. … Your music was one of the few lights that never failed to brighten her life…”
– Lawrence
“A few days ago I received my copy of the piano music book I ordered from your web site – “Complete Collection for Piano”. I haven’t been able to get away from the piano since! What an incredible book!”
– Marion
Essex, Ontario
“Ever since I was a young girl I have loved your compositions!! Although I often received a great deal of chidding from friends for listening to that instead of rock-and roll, I have no regrets as I now have four daughters and one loves the piano. To inspire my 6 year old to practise I have played the piece [Music Box Dancer] severl times in the past couple of days”.
– Kris
“Peter Piper is one of the most fantastic piece of Art. Always makes he happy. I can’t find a word to write what the feeling brings me when I listen to every second of Peter Piper. Thanks very much”.
– Jose
“I was so touched by hearing Music Box Dancer again after about 35 years. I was on a long-distance driving trip, alone, and it just came on the cd player. As I heard the first 3 or 4 notes, I remembered it all the way back to when I was a junior in high school. … I really needed to hear that song at that moment in my life, and there it was! [On your web site] I read a lot of comments from other fans who shared similar stories of how Music Box Dancer took them back to a better time with their loved ones, or helped them get through a rough time in their lives. … You will always have a special place in my heart. “
– Kim
“I just saw the notice on the web site indicating that you will once again be performing some live shows during the Christmas season of 2012. What wonderful news! We love both you and Rita MacNeil so it would be a special night for us indeed. Sure hope you will be coming to our area, but even if we have to travel, we’ll be there!”
– John and Karen
Edmonton AB